You are all about excitement, adventure, and innovative ideas. You ask your kids what they’re thinking about and really care. You love to play- you’ll shoot hoops in the house, belt out songs with a hairbrush microphone, and gaze at the stars with your kids while exploring their deepest dreams. While you may tire of sensory overload at times, you’ll come alive when your kids are ready to challenge rules, think outside the box, or be spontaneous with a new, crazy idea or adventure.
You get overwhelmed with rules, consistency, discipline, and sensory details. You may forget to comb your hair or do your makeup because you've been creating an inspiring family motto or planning a family adventure.
You are flexible and fun and help your children identify and cultivate their gifts and broaden their imagination. You have true empathy and compassion for childhood struggles.
Consider solving tasks for people who are blind or have low vision. You’re a verbose, descriptive person. And you do best when you have a little flexibility in your busy schedule. You like to be able to volunteer whenever you can — impromptu and on your schedule.
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As a nonconformist, you are a unique type of mom, in that you welcome some amount rebellion both in yourself and in your children. While other moms may worry or take offense, you rather feel triumphant when your children challenge the status quo. This is especially true if they have an intelligent reason for doing so. You also challenge your kids to independently problem-solve, think for themselves, and question existing norms and traditions. You enjoy adventure, action, and resourcefulness. You perceive everything as a learning experience whether it's a trip to the mall or dealing with spilled milk.
You may feel “caged in” by parenting, especially if you have emotionally clingy children, as you harbor the concern that they may not become independent. You shy away from structure, consistency, and rules and are often bored with typical household routines.
You teach with enthusiasm and promote a love of learning in your children. You inspire both independent thinking and logical analysis. You are flexible, energetic and resourceful in tackling crises that may arise.
Consider volunteering in crisis situations, such as for a hotline that speaks to a cause you’re behind. Since you don't love routines, but are quick and outspoken, a volunteering gig that can move with you (like, literally in your pocket), and will always provide a slightly different problem to solve, such as Crisis Text Line, will allow you to stay on your toes and interact with people.
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You are creative, gentle and deep- able to unleash and discover imaginative connections in your mind you never even knew were there. Thus, you cultivate this same imagination, creativity, and a sense of awe and wonder in your children. You somehow give each child the room and expression to become his or her independent self. Your empathy and sensitivity allows you to walk in your children's shoes and inspire them with hope, possibility and dreams.
You are averse to the tumult and demanding nature of parenting, often causing personal burn-out. You may feel that you somehow don't fit in with other parents and struggle to implement rules or make decisions.
You cultivate compassion, hope, empathy and imagination in your children. A good listener, you excel at cultivating powerful one-on-one conversations and connections You understand well both the struggles and joys of your children.
Connect with the elderly. You’re incredibly insightful about others and the human condition. You’ve got a knack for storytelling, and connecting others on a deep level. Consider using your skills to become a pen pal with a senior citizen, or visit a rest home. Or if you have the time (and the courage), look into seeing if your hospital has a No One Dies Alone Program — where you can offer companionship and support to patients who are nearing death.
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You are uncompromisingly loyal and protective of her children - think "mama bear." This doesn't, however, mean that you hover over your children, but protect their autonomy, independence, and curiosity. It gratifies you to witness your children’s self-reliance and curiosity and you are ready to teach them through all mediums - books, hands-on, conversations, and real-life experiences. In everything you want your children to learn to think for themselves, thus you welcome questions, challenges, and requests for freedom. Your children can count on you to be as curious about them as they are about the world around them, and appreciate your calm, tolerant nature.
You struggle with the structure, consistency, and noise of family life and may feel “caged in” by responsibilities and rules. You tend to feel different than other moms so can struggle with loneliness. You have a difficult time when you don't get much personal space or alone time. You struggle to implement routines.
You are able to stay calm, and refrain from judging until you have plenty of information. You have a flexible approach to life and foster your children’s understanding and independence. You teach and are an example of a love of learning. You possess a resourceful response to struggles and issues.
Become a tutor. Adaptable and analytical, you genuinely enjoy solving problems, and easily understand abstract concepts from different perspectives. Thus, we think you’d shine in areas where you can tutor people in the fields of study you enjoy. Consider becoming a tutor for adults in your local area looking for English as a Second Language or General Educational Diploma programs.
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Though not effusive or touchy-feely, you will have your kids' backs during a crisis and teach them the art of strategy. This mom is organized, efficient, and insightful. You foster independence in her children and challenge them to pursue their goals without micro-managing or controlling them. You're also not one to shy away from tough conversations or a challenge – you believe that the best way to love your children is to listen to them and encourage them to think logically to solve problems and make their way in the world. Loyal and caring, you show your love through action, competence, and fiery dedication.
May get overwhelmed by the emotionally volatile nature of young children. Can struggle when plans are disrupted or people are doing things inefficiently. Often finds 24/7 parenting somewhat boring. Needs a great deal of independence.
Strengths: Hard-working and organized, you come up with a structure and system that keeps life running smoothly. Foster independence and autonomy in your children. Skilled at solving problems logically and giving your children a “can do” attitude about life. Have insight into your children’s needs and gifts.
Become a mentor. Leadership comes to you naturally and you derive a lot of contentment from sharing your knowledge with others. We suggest leveraging your skills as a mentor for kids who need reliable, steady figures in their lives, so you can help them think things like long-term planning and goal setting (which are probably your favorite topics). Check out organizations like Big Brothers and Sisters.
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You possess both emotional understanding and depth, recognizing and feeling things deeply, and encourage your children to share their feelings with you as well. You also encourage your children to reach their full potential. You are a mom who can find a motivating or encouraging lesson along with any issue that comes your way. You nurture best through words of affirmation and positive feedback, empathizing with them always. You enjoy meeting your kids' needs for emotional and social connection.
Your empathetic and "feeling" nature may cause you to empathize too much with your children and not separate your emotions from theirs. The emotionally turbulent nature of parenting can also be difficult for you. You may find yourself wanting to solve your child's problems, which may make you meddlesome or domineering.
Your empathy gives you the ability to truly care for your children’s emotional needs. You are often able to resolve conflicts and help your children work through their own emotions. You excel at prioritizing and organizing a schedule. Your strengths cultivate direction and imagination in your children's pursuits.
Train your dog to be a therapy dog. With your loyal and sociable spirit, you’re typically good with animals. If you own a dog — or have a friend or family who owns a dog — consider using your patience and intuitive skills to train it to become a therapy dog. Once trained, you can take the dog to places that desperately need morale lifted like nursing homes, cancer centers, hospices, mental health institutions, etc.
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You may struggle to find your keys on a daily basis, but you know how to see into your child's heart and tell when they're feeling sad, angry, hurt, or happy. You thrive when connecting one-on-one with them, talking about all their dreams and feelings. Emotionally supportive and sensitive, you help her children to see the big picture and imagine beyond the bounds of their current situations. You enjoy discussing spirituality, values, culture, and psychology and are open to any complex discussion. You want your kids to see a lush, vivid picture of what their life could be and guide them to that picture.
Get burned out by the details and mundane activities involved in parenting. Sensory overload can feel overwhelming and focusing on more than one child at once can be difficult. Tend to do better in one-on-one settings than in group settings and can feel stressed when juggling multiple children’s needs at the same time.
Strengths: Highly empathic and intuitive about your children’s feelings. Emotionally supportive and insightful. Have a gift for helping your children see future possibilities and implications. Sympathetic and affirming. Fosters imagination and direction.
Become a scout leader. You’re conscientious and committed to your values — and really reliable and organized. This makes you the perfect candidate to leverage your creative, value-based spirit by becoming a scout leader. So if you have the time, consider finding a co-partner, and sign up through Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Campfire USA or American Heritage Girls.
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You may not be at all the school meetings or social festivities, but your influence will be obvious when your children win awards for honor roll, mathletes, or chess championships. You aren't concerned with “fitting in,” she want to raise children who think for themselves. You foster an inner drive and determination in your children and teach them to march to the beat of their own drum. A natural teacher, you are intellectually ambitious and don’t shy away from the complex questions your children pose on a daily basis. In fact, the tougher the question, the more satisfied you will be. Committed and loyal, you may seem stoic and formidable to strangers, but show a softer, more affectionate side with your children.
Dislike a lot of sensory overload and chaos, and can find the naturally loud and disorganized world of parenting overwhelming. May struggle to find connection with other moms because of the rarity of your type. Need a lot of alone time and can burn out quickly if unable to get that.
Foster independence and strategic thinking in your children. Helps your children to think through problems logically. Are skilled at creating a structure and routine for your children. Are deeply loyal and committed.
Record audiobooks for the greater good. You believe in humanity, but dealing with individual people can sometimes be really draining. We suggest a cause that most INTJs can get behind: literacy for all! Start recording chapters of your favorite books in the public domain (which are no longer under copyright) on Librivox — and make them available for free on the internet. Bonus: this is actually a super efficient way to do one of your favorite things (read) while also giving back. And we all know that efficiency is your thing.
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You're the mom that will ditch the chores in favor of a last-minute trip to the roller-skating rink. You are all about spontaneity, adventure, and fun. Down-to-earth and gregarious, you want to live a life full of new experiences, thrilling sights, sounds, and breathtaking pursuits. You encourage your child to try new things, be brave, and trust their heart. You also teach them to pay attention to practical realities so that they can be prepared for whatever crisis comes their way.
Dislike routine and mundane activities. Can feel “caged in” by the responsibilities of parenting. May be overly-impulsive and regret it later. Can over-empathize with children and struggle to set firm boundaries and rules.
Have a lot of compassion and empathy for your children and are often a good listener. Love going with the flow of children of all ages, and have a playful, flexible lifestyle. Put family first and give children a sense of adventure and fun. Typically down-to-earth and grounded.
Volunteer to entertain at children’s hospitals. You’re charming and fun — and good with kids (you’re practically one at heart) — so consider volunteering to entertain at your local children’s hospital. Find programs that might fit your skill set, such as Musicians On Call if you’re a musician. And if you don’t have that dramatic flair, reach out to a volunteer coordinator to play with kids before they undergo a radiation or chemotherapy treatment.
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Boredom isn’t an option with the ESTP mom. Thrill-seeking and clever, you want your children to know how to handle anything life throws at them. From teaching them how to change a tire to taking them skiing down the slopes, you want them to know what it’s like to be captivated by life. You want them to feel the goosebumps that come from taking a smart risk and going on an adventure that tests their abilities. That said, you're also smart. You aren't going to push your kids beyond what they are capable of. Charming, deeply loyal, and filled with good-humor, you're the mom many other kids look upon with envy!
Dislike routine, mundane activities and can feel “trapped” by the responsibilities and repetitive tasks involved in parenting. May be overly-impulsive and risk-taking. Can struggle with handling the emotional volatility of young children.
Foster independence and resourcefulness in your children. You are skilled at handling crisis situations and thinking quickly when the situation depends on it. You are also deeply loyal, affectionate, and usually fun-spirited.
Coach a kids’ sports team
Energetic and fun, you enjoy each moment where you can be alive and active with others. What’s a better way to give back than to coach a kid’s sports team? You can reach out in your neighborhood to see how you can give back through your city’s Parks and Rec department with your competitive, contagiously upbeat attitude.
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Whether you're tapping away at the piano, concocting a new recipe, or dancing to a favorite song, you are all about connecting with the heart in a physical way. You foster creativity and empathy in your children and enjoy creating new experiences with them. You're the mom that will spend hours listening to your children’s favorite playlists (and singing along too). You understand when your child wants to try out new trends in fashion in order to express themselves.
Can get overwhelmed by the busy, noisy nature of parenting. Don’t like having your time structured and planned out on a constant basis. Can over-empathize with their children and struggle to discern where your emotions begin and their children’s end.
Empathize deeply with your children and are typically a good listener. Skilled at handling crisis situations and good at keeping a level head. Deeply loyal, affectionate, and have a good sense of fun. Foster individuality, empathy, and pragmatism.
Hold NICU babies. You’re a quiet, sensitive, kind soul — and you enjoy living in the present moment. Exercise your peaceable, calm demeanor and volunteer to hold babies who are struggling in the NICU. They’ll need your rock-solid zen nature as much as your human touch to calm them down.
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You are a free-range mom who lets your kids play with tools or ride their bikes around the neighborhood without hovering around them. Fond of independent living and logical thinking, you believe in teaching your kids the practical necessities of life. You honor your children’s interests, opinions, and directions and try to respect differences while instructing them on the skills needed for survival and happiness. Some people may misinterpret your non-controlling attitude as uncaring, but you know that teaching your children autonomy and responsibility is vital in guiding them towards a happy adulthood.
Find the emotional volatility of children overwhelming at times. May not know how to navigate the murky waters of emotional distress. Can feel like a fish out of water among other moms who have a more “helicopter” approach to parenting. Dislike repetitive, mundane tasks and can feel trapped by all the obligations of parenting.
Foster self-sufficiency, independence, and practical knowledge. Give children the space to identify their strengths and experiment. Quick to act in crisis situations and skilled at teaching and troubleshooting. Loyal and innovative.
Get involved in Habitat For Humanity. A quiet observer, you love solving problems with practical solutions. And what’s a more practical solution than building a house for someone in need? Exercise these practical, project-based skills by volunteering with Habitat for Humanity.
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You are the mom who offers your kids a warm sweater and a delicious snack when they get home from school. Attentive to their needs and conscientious of their feelings, you enjoy heart-to-heart discussions and an organized, routined lifestyle. You care about making sure all the little details that matter to your children are taken care of. This means picking them up from school on time every time, getting their dental exams every six months, and painting their room the exact color they love most.
Can struggle with the naturally chaotic nature of family life. May take on your children’s feelings and struggle with feelings of co-dependency. Can be a perfectionist or overly-controlling and may struggle to “let go” and let your children learn from their mistakes or find their own way.
Generous and attentive to the needs of your children. Have a gift for sharing practical wisdom and providing a steady sense of continuity in the home. Create stable routines and attend to the emotional needs of your children. Value your children’s friendships and fosters their relationships.
Orchestrate meals on wheels. You want harmony and you like to be appreciated for your practical, conscientious attitude. We think you’ll enjoy getting involved with Meals on Wheels, a nationwide organization that helps deliver meals to the elderly, or with the local food bank. Whether you’re making or serving the food or delivering it, you’ll know that your skills are literally nourishing others.
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You're the mom who’s probably running every event your kids attend with grace and confidence. You are efficient, no-nonsense, but also deeply devoted and caring. On the outside, you may look like you're constantly running from one project or event to another, but in the quiet of your own home you're the mom who can’t give enough hugs or say enough, “I love you’s.” You are happiest when your efforts produce concrete results – children who try their best, participate in their communities, and lead their peers in the right direction.
The chaotic, emotionally volatile nature of childhood can be overwhelming at times. You may struggle with handling the numerous emotional sensitivities that children face. You may also become a “workaholic,” trying to manage more than is healthy for you. You can also struggle with control and “letting go” when it’s needed.
You are an excellent teacher and love to find moments for learning throughout the day. You have a knack for organizing and planning and juggling numerous tasks in order to keep everything running smoothly. You're practical and skilled at teaching your children the practical skills they need for life. Loyal and deeply devoted.
Help organize a giant fundraising event
You love to get things done and don’t mind taking care of routine details. We suggest leveraging your organizational skills to get involved to put on an event — be it a 5K race to cure Alzheimer’s or your local parish’s annual festival. You’ll gain a lot of satisfaction as you watch your plans executed perfectly — and people enjoying their time at the event.
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You exude gentleness, quiet comfort, and (to those who know you well) a certain quirky, lovable sense of humor. You pay close attention to all the small details that make life enjoyable and pleasant; fresh-baked apple pies in the autumn, cozy throw blankets and Christmas music in the winter, and all of your children’s favorite foods permanently stocked in the refrigerator. You believe in creating a sense of stability and consistency in your children’s lives so that they feel confident and secure. You show love by attending to those details that give life a sense of joy and beauty.
Can grapple with the lack of alone time inherent in parenting. Tend to have a strong sense of duty and can feel guilt over anything that is not done right. May have a hard time adapting to sudden, unexpected changes.
Create a sense of routine and consistency in your children’s lives. Are compassionate and thoughtful. Typically patient and a good listener. Go the extra mile to find out what’s important to your children and understand their point of view.
Volunteer at your local shelter. You strive to create a sense of order and harmony — skills that are extremely important at places like homeless centers and women’s homes (such as domestic violence shelters or pregnancy centers). Consider looking for programs that are supporting people with transitional housing, and see how you can help out.
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You are the mom who teaches your kids how to do their own laundry when they are five. You're also the mom who is never late to one of your kids' soccer games, always has a snack on hand, and can get you out of any fix, no matter how complicated. You teach your kids responsibility, honesty, and caution. You might not be majorly effusive and verbally demonstrative, but your actions prove time and time again that your kids can count on you and that you'll be there for them no matter what.
Struggles: Grapple with the naturally chaotic nature of family life. Find the noise and lack of privacy overwhelming at times. Can be prone to worry and inflexibility.
Strengths: Loyal and dependable. Attentive to your children’s needs. Practical and down-to-earth, with an offbeat sense of humor. Skilled at teaching practical skills and life lessons. Foster self-sufficiency and knowledge.
Organize a self-defense workshop or neighborhood watch group. Practical and matter-of-fact, you’re the definition of the responsible citizen. You greatly value safety in your community. So what better way to make your community safe than to organize a self-defense workshop or neighborhood watch cohort? Contact your local police station or an expert in this field and get your neighborhood organization or local parish ready to host.
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